Once I had all the content, I began sketching out a rough layout for the website. I wanted to create a design that was clean, modern, and easy to navigate. I also wanted to capture the essence of COVE – the stunning ocean views, the elegant decor, and the exquisite cuisine.

After finalizing the layout, I started working on the visual elements of the website. I chose a color scheme that reflected the restaurant’s coastal location, using shades of blue and white. I also selected high-quality images to showcase the beauty of the restaurant and its dishes.

Next, I focused on the functionality of the website. I made sure that the menu was easy to access and navigate, that customers could make reservations online, and that there was a section for special events and promotions. I also added a contact page with a map and directions to the restaurant.

Finally, I tested the website on different devices to ensure that it was responsive and user-friendly. After making any necessary tweaks, I launched the website for COVE, confident that it accurately represented the unique dining experience they offered.