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Hospitality Website Design

cove. cove.

- Wireframing
- User Interface
- Branding Strategy
- Responsiveness
- Search Optimization
- Speed Performance

I was tasked with creating a new website for COVE, an oceanside fine dining experience in San Diego, CA. The first step in the design process was to gather all necessary information from the restaurant owners, including their menu, photos of the restaurant and dishes, and any special events or promotions they wanted to feature.



Once I had all the content, I began sketching out a rough layout for the website. I wanted to create a design that was clean, modern, and easy to navigate. I also wanted to capture the essence of COVE – the stunning ocean views, the elegant decor, and the exquisite cuisine.

After finalizing the layout, I started working on the visual elements of the website. I chose a color scheme that reflected the restaurant’s coastal location, using shades of blue and white. I also selected high-quality images to showcase the beauty of the restaurant and its dishes.


About 1


Next, I focused on the functionality of the website. I made sure that the menu was easy to access and navigate, that customers could make reservations online, and that there was a section for special events and promotions. I also added a contact page with a map and directions to the restaurant.



Finally, I tested the website on different devices to ensure that it was responsive and user-friendly. After making any necessary tweaks, I launched the website for COVE, confident that it accurately represented the unique dining experience they offered.

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